For some time we have had a desire to combine our two loves - people photography and the world of leadership.
We have been running our consultancy for nearly twenty years and have worked with leaders across a wide spectrum of industries and nationalities. During that time we have supported many individuals on their quest to be the great leader that they aspire to be.
We have concluded that there are factors that enable you to lead well - some rules if you like or even science. But it takes more than applying these to truly excel and create followers. This is an art and is about the individual's qualities and authenticity. It is also as much about the situation and as a leader being 'fit for purpose' and being able to adapt and flex to what is required.
The business world is very dynamic and the greatest leaders learn well continuously, are inquisitive and highly adaptable.
Through this project we are aiming to capture the stories of leaders. To share their experiences and learning.
Through the blog we plan to post stories as we capture them, and in due course we hope to be in position to publish a book linked to the project.
If you would like to take part in this project please do get in touch. We would love to hear from you.