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In Conversation With Mike

I recognise this conversation is about leadership but I would be the first to admit I joined the Royal Air Force to fly aeroplanes not...

In conversation with Elizabeth

I think Leadership is a by-product of what you want to do - at least that’s how I ended up in a leadership position. I didn’t say ‘I want...

In conversation with James

For me, my greatest influence isn’t specifically around the area of leadership but I think it's probably the greatest influence in terms...

In conversation with Jason

I feel really lucky - I’ve had three phases in my career. Firstly I was in the Civil Service, I worked with Senior Civil Servants and...

In conversation with Jane

My leadership influences are probably seated in my upbringing. I’ve not followed in family footsteps by taking the career path I have. My...

Why Leadership Through The Lens

For some time we have had a desire to combine our two loves - people photography and the world of leadership. We have been running our...

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